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Dr. Jody Krukowski, ND

Dr. Jody Krukowski (a.k.a Dr K) is a licensed Naturopath and a graduate of the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in Phoenix, Arizona. She completed her undergraduate studies at the University of Miami in Coral Gables, Florida.

Dr Krukowski is the owner of the Avena Naturopathic Center for Well-being, LLC in Kansas City, Missouri. She spent 8 years seeing patients at the University of Kansas Medical Center in the Department of Integrative Medicine. Dr Krukowski practices holistic family medicine with an extensive background in mental health disorders and cardiology. She has been an active member of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians since 2002 as well as a member of the Kansas Naturopathic Physicians Association. She is dedicated to advancing the future of naturopathic medicine and the education of future naturopathic physicians as evidenced by being awarded for her contributions to the Field Observation Program at Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine for Summer 2014.

In 2017, Dr Krukowski ventured into the anti-aging and beauty aspects of wellness with the addition of CoolSculpting, anti-aging supplements, microcurrent technology and the world of clean and chemical free beauty and homecare products. She is excited about her recent affiliation with The Glam Room and is looking forward to the launch of the CoolSculpting for a Cause Program.

On a personal note, Dr Krukowski enjoys practicing ballet and yoga, charcoal drawing, healthy cooking and baking as well as spending time with her family and dog-Philia.

"My life before Dr Krukowski  which I lovingly refer to as Dr K  -  was  a nightmare! 
My life now is so peaceful knowing that I don’t have to face medical challenges alone.
I have always felt that Dr. Krukowski  sincerely puts my  "real health" as a top priority  -  just like a sister would. 
I would  -  and do  -  recommend her highly to anyone who wants to try and let their body heal naturally."
-Les M.

"Before Dr. Krukowski my body was inflamed and ached, I was constantly tired with low energy, my joints ached and I had brain fog. I was waking up in the middle of the night and was not able to go back to sleep. I had a dry cotton mouth with acid reflux.I now know what caused all of my problems and Dr. Krukowski has taken appropriate action for my good health. I am a new person!"
-Terry M.

"My life prior to Dr. K was spending 14 grueling years going to multiple medical doctors. I was getting ready to file for disability. I initially had reservations as I'm quite skeptical by nature, I grew up with medical doctors in my family. However, when she was able to successfully and safely treat everything that no other doctor could in a fraction of the time, I haven't looked back since. She unmasks and heals the root issues so you can live and love your life."
-Alexa A.